KELCHFASHION GROUP can help you to improve your business by refining your marketing strategies:
Distribution channels are the conduits to your customers. We tell you how to set up, manage and improve your distribution channels by an exact marketing strategy:
- by an accurate Market analysis: where exactly is your actual position? (how is your product positioned in the market , who are your competitors? Are you aiming at the right markets for your product? What is your final customer you want to sell to? )
- by developing together with you an accurate marketing plan: where do you want to position your products, which are the key markets you are aiming on?
- by improving your distribution channels , by improving the classic “4 Ps” :
Product ,Promotion, PRICE, PLACEMENT
- by helping you to analyse how your end-users buy
- by matching your end-user needs to a tailor made distribution strategy
- by selecting the best channel type for your brand
- by linking the company to worldwide social Media and promoters